Event Recap: NeuroCoE and BME Annual Meeting 2024

September 17, 2024

On last week Tuesday and Wednesday (09/10-09/11), Air Force Center of Excellence in the Neuroscience of Decision-Making (NeuroCoE) at Columbia University hosted its annual Center of Excellence (CoE) meeting. The meeting included members from Columbia BME, the USAF and exhibitors.

Led by Biomedical Engineering Department Chair and Professor, Paul Sajda, the two day encompassed research presentations, a poster session, demo session and networking opportunities for students and NeuroCoE team members. 

The center takes a multidisciplinary, multimodal and multiscale approach to develop a comprehensive understanding of human decision making in real-world environments. Central to this approach is the design, development, and execution of experiments that enable linkage between decision making in animal models with data and tasks performed by humans. The center researches decision making’s dimensions, priors/bias, confidence and expertise and learning. The co-PIs at Columbia include Columbia Engineering Professors Qi Wang (Biomedical Engineering), Steven Feiner (Computer Science), Michael Shadlen and Daniel Wolpert, both professors of neuroscience at the Zuckerman Institute for Mind, Brain, and Behavior

To learn more about the center and its research, click here.